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学历学位:周建华先生于1977年考取南京工业大学化工机械系(Nanjing University of Technology),于1982获得机械工程学士学位。 周建华先生于1983年前往美国密执安大学留学 (University ofMichigan)。1984获得结构工程硕士学位。1987年获得结构工程博士学位。他的博士论文是关于结构可靠性研究与设计。
管理经验:周建华博士拥有全球质量管理、质量系统、质量工程和可靠性工程经验,他现就职于福特汽车公司总部,任福特全球质量执行技术专家(Executive Technical Leader) 和福特技术顾问委员会顾问 (Technology AdvisoryBoard)。周建华博士在福特汽车公司工作19年来,先后担任福特全球质量高级技术专家(Senior Technical Leader),福特亚洲和非洲可靠性工程经理,福特北美卡车部质量经理,福特土尔其商用车质量主管,福特马自达 (Mazda) 运动型多功能车质量主管等职务。他荣膺美国质量学会 (ASQ)汽车协会颁发的2010年全美质量职业最佳奖,周建华博士就职福特汽车公司前,曾任美国PRATT& WHITNEY飞机发动机公司高级工程师。科研成果:周建华博士多年来致力于质量和可靠性工程的研究与应用,他的研究与应用邻域包括:高速公路桥梁结构可靠性分析与设计,核能发电厂可靠性评估,飞机发动机结构动力分析与设计,汽车复合材料碰撞性能分析与设计,汽车结构耐久性设计,等等。周建华博士已发表国际论文三十余篇,日本质量协会还翻译和发表了他的论文。他的多项研究项目获得优秀奖和技术成果奖,周建华博士曾在国际上先后三次荣获 "田口稳健设计"奖,连续八次获得福特汽车公司质量优秀奖,周建华博士合作发明的汽车耐久性分析方法荣获美国发明专利。
社团贡献:周建华博士积极参与社区和行业工作,他是国际汽车学会 (SAE) 和美国质量学会 (ASQ) 的高级成员。作为行业专家,他曾被特邀参加 "田口设计" 国际专家研讨会,被国际汽车学会(SAE)邀请培训中国工程师,被美国质量学会多次邀请发表演讲,被南京工业大学,华东理工大学和台湾国立大学邀请发表演讲,被南京大学古楼区科技园聘请为海外顾问,被南京工业大学聘请为客座教授,被美国质量学会汽车协会聘请为组织委员会主席。周建华博士现担任国际汽车学会制造与材料杂志的副编辑,美国质量学会汽车协会财政委员会主席和美国质量学会安城分会项目委员会主席。由于他的贡献,周建华博士被他的同行们推选为美国质量学会杰出贡献奖 (ASQ Testimonial Award)。

Dr. Jay Zhou
Executive Technical Leader for Quality at Ford Motor Company
Dr. Jay Zhou is theExecutive Technical Leader for Quality at Ford Motor Company. In this role, heworks with the company’s quality, product development, research andmanufacturing leaders to help Ford achieve its goal of being the world’sleading automaker for quality.
Dr. Zhou also isleading a Quality Technical Team for training and problem solving to help thecompany’s engineers and manufacturing experts identify and correct qualityissues. Duringthe past few years, he has trained more than seven thousand engineers andsuppliers in seventeen countries as the company’s quality has improveddrastically.
Dr. Zhou has provided dedicated services tothe communities where he works and lives. Currently, he is the American Societyfor Quality (ASQ) Ann Arbor Section Program Chair, ASQ Automotive DivisionTreasurer, Guest Professor at Nanjing University of Technology, and AssociateEditor for SAE International Journal of Manufacturing and Materials. In 2011 hewas honored to receive the ASQ Testimonial Award for his leadership andextinguished service to the American Society for Quality.
Dr. Zhou’s work hasbeen recognized internationally, including being named in 2010 the QualityProfessional of the Year by the ASQ Automotive Division. He is the recipient ofthe Dr. Taguchi Award three times for his contribution to robust design. He isalso a US patent recipient for his innovative work to reduce vehicle durabilitytest time.
Dr. Zhou receivedhis bachelor degree in Mechanical Engineering from Nanjing University ofTechnology, master and Ph.D. degrees in Structural Engineering from Universityof Michigan, Ann Arbor. He has published more than thirty technical papers andengaged in numerous speeches at international conferences and symposiums.
